JSGS Public Lecture - Governance Matters: How is it Working for Canadians?

University of Regina

Kevin Lynch, Vice-Chair, BMO Financial Group and Former Clerk of the Privy Council

How does public-sector governance work in practise and where do the challenges lie? Drawing on the experience of prominent Canadian leaders, this report, prepared by the Public Policy Forum, will also address the following questions:

• How do elected officials, political staff and the public service work together at the executive level of government? And why do these relationships matter?

• What has prompted a trend towards a centralization of authority, and what are the consequences? Are there effective checks and balances?
• Can demands for short-term responsiveness be balanced with the need for medium and long-term planning and strategies?

Please Note: Those interested in attending are encouraged to register below. Please note, this lecture is only taking place in Regina, but will be recorded.

Event Details

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM CST
Education Auditorium 106.1, University of Regina Campus
Event Details


Karen Jaster-Laforge

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