Servus Prepay Patronage Program and Sweepstakes: Old Wine in New Bottles or Something Else?

University of Saskatchewan

The Centre for the Study of Co-operatives is pleased to welcome Ian Glassford, former chief financial officer and current special projects advisor at Servus, to campus to talk about Servus’ efforts to innovate its patronage program.

Do credit union members care about patronage returns (co-op principle number 3)? And what if a credit union changed the way it paid them out? Would they care more? In 2018, the country’s fourth-largest credit union, Servus, adopted a policy of prepaying patronage for its members that sheds some light on these questions. Instead of paying a member $200 (for example) each year over a five-year mortgage term, Servus offered to pay some of its members a lump-sum ($1,000 in this example) when they signed on for the mortgage. Later, Servus introduced a “Big Share” lottery where the winner would receive a $1 million patronage payment. How did members react to these changes to Servus’ until-then traditional patronage program? And what do the results of this experiment tell us about co-operative values and the co-op business model in a fiercely competitive market?

Join the Centre for the Study of Co-operatives on June 5 at 4:30 p.m. as the dynamic and ever-engaging Ian Glassford, former chief financial officer and current special projects advisor at Servus, tells us about Servus’ efforts to innovate its patronage program.

RSVP to or (306) 966-8509 before June 3, 2019.

Event Details

04:30 PM - 06:00 PM CST
Prairie Room, Diefenbaker Building 101 Diefenbaker Place University of Saskatchewan
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