CCSC Brown Bag Lunch ~ Big Agricultural Data: Are Co-operatives a Solution?

Video Conference

The Canadian Centre for the Study of Co-operatives' (CCSC) Monthly Brown Bag Lunch Talks are a new casual online gathering space for co-operative professionals to learn from others in the field and exchange information.

Primary production agriculture is changing rapidly due to major developments in digital “smart” technologies, or what is known as big ag data. While big ag data provides value, it also creates a set of problems and challenges, including concerns around privacy, security, data ownership, competition and market power. Informed by his recently published report, "Digital Technologies and the Big Data Revolution in the Canadian Agricultural Sector: Opportunities, Challenges, and Alternatives".  In this Brown Bag event, Bill Oemichen reviews what we know about the issues surrounding big ag data and explores whether co-operatives provide a solution.

Speaker Bio 

William L (Bill) Oemichen is a Senior Researcher in the Law School and College of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and serves on the boards of a number of U.S.-based co-operatives and companies, including the education and insurance arm of the cooperatively-owned $340 Billion Farm Credit System and the board of the nation's highest rated health care provider for quality. 

Oemichen served as a Public Policy Fellow at the University of Minnesota's Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Policy and he served as an Adjunct Professor in Business Law in the university's School of Population and Clinical Sciences.  He practiced co-operative law at a major Midwestern law firm and served fourteen years as President and CEO of Cooperative Network, the largest state-based co-operative trade association in the U.S. with more than 800 co-operative members operating across the country with a focus on Wisconsin and Minnesota.  Oemichen has also served as Deputy Minnesota Agriculture Commissioner where he worked to create co-operatives, as Wisconsin's chief Consumer Protection official where he regulated co-operatives and other types of businesses, and as Wisconsin Director of the Office of Preparedness & Emergency Health Care where he worked to create disaster response co-operatives.

For a complete speaker bio, please click here.

Event Details

12:00 PM - 01:00 PM CST
Delivered by Zoom - Please register online and a link will be emailed to you.


Stan Yu

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