CSIP Forum: Conservation Doesn’t Just Happen: Protecting lands and waters through policy engagement

Video Conference

Science, technology and innovation policy is essential in shaping our future. Translating the narrative into clear options, strategies and outcomes is necessary, but far from simple. CSIP invites all students, faculty, researchers, and citizens interested in the study of science, technology and innovation policy to participate in these bi-weekly forums.

Presented by:

Katie Morrison, Executive Director, CPAWS Southern Alberta


About the lecture:

Canada has committed to achieving targets under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity to protect at least 30% of lands and oceans by 2030. But conservation doesn’t just happen without support from citizens. With increasing controversy over creation of parks and protected areas, we all need to be involved in supporting and advocating for protection of our lands at waters. This session will walk through recent examples from Alberta where advocacy and engagement changed the government policy direction towards better conservation outcomes.


About the speaker:

Katie Morrison is the Executive Director for the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) Southern Alberta chapter, whose mission is to safeguard, connect, and expand Alberta’s parks and wilderness. CPAWS Southern Alberta works toward these goals through education, engagement, and collaboration with Albertans of all backgrounds. Katie is a Professional Biologist with more than 20 years of experience in the environmental sector. She holds a B.Sc. in Environmental and Conservation Sciences from the University of Alberta and a Masters of Environmental Design from the University of Calgary. Katie has worked in Canada and Latin America for university research projects, nongovernmental organizations, and environmental consulting companies. She has an in-depth understanding of conservation, ecology, stakeholder and public engagement and mitigating the environmental impacts of human development. Katie is an avid hunter, angler and all round outdoorsperson and stills feel happiest when she is outside discovering the wonders of nature and our place in it.

Event Details

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM CST
This event is being hosted through Zoom.  A confirmation email, including the Zoom connection details, will be sent to the email address provided below.
Event Communique


Karen Jaster-Laforge

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