Scaling Renewable Energy Co-Operatives: Lessons from a Successful Multi-Stakeholder Network in the Solar Energy Industry

Video Conference

Join us for our new discussion series exploring how Renewable Energy Co-operatives (or RECs) in Canada can scale up and make a more meaningful and timely contribution to Canada's efforts to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

This presentation will focus on a multi-stakeholder network of renewable energy co-operatives in the Colorado solar energy industry and the lessons it offers for scaling renewable energy co-operatives. The network, consisting of five cooperative entities, has successfully promoted co-operative development and access to capital through stakeholder collaboration and innovative business models. The presentation will highlight the importance of strategic partnerships, stakeholder collaboration, and creative business models in scaling renewable energy co-operative enterprises. Attendees will gain insights into how renewable energy co-operatives can leverage the power of collaboration and networking to overcome challenges to scaling, such as capital access and regulatory barriers. As the renewable energy sector continues to grow globally, the presentation will provide valuable lessons for co-operatives in this industry in Canada and beyond.


About our speaker


Since its founding in 2011, Stephen K. Irwin has led Amicus Solar Cooperative as president and CEO. Amicus is the first purchasing cooperative in the North American solar energy industry, jointly owned and democratically managed by its members of solar energy development, EPC, and installation companies. Stephen also co-founded the Amicus O&M Cooperative and previously was the CFO for Namaste Solar.


Event Information


Date: Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (Saskatchewan time or Central Standard Time)

Join us on Zoom!  Please register by clicking here and the connection details will be sent by email.


This discussion series is proudly supported by:


JSGS Centre for the Study of Co-operatives


Alberta Community & Co-operative Association

BC Co-op Association

International Centre for Co‑operative Management, Saint Mary’s University

Royal Roads University

Co-operatives First



Event Details

12:00 PM - 01:00 PM CST
This event is being hosted through Zoom. A link and password will be sent to the email provided when you register online.

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