Iryna Khovrenkov PhD, MA, BA
JSGS FacultyAssociate Professor and Graduate Chair, Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Regina
Iryna Khovrenkov is an economist and a quantitative researcher with wide-ranging empirical interests. Iryna's research focuses on charity and nonprofit finance, philanthropy, and grantmaking, as well as on government policies that shape Canada's foundation and nonprofit sectors. She teaches graduate courses in public finance, economics for public policy analysis, and nonprofit sector foundations.
Download Iryna Khovrenkov's abridged CV.
- PhD, McMaster University
- MA, University of Alberta
- BA (Honours), University of Alberta
Supervisory Capacity
Iryna Khovrenkov is currently accepting applications only from new MPP students for September 2023 in the following research areas: philanthropy and grantmaking, nonprofit finance, and community well-being.
Recent Grants/Awards
- SSHRC Cohort Development Grant, University of Regina, $3,000, 2019
- SSHRC Partnership Grant (Co-Applicant), $2.5M, 2018-2024
- SSHRC Insight Grant (Co-Applicant), $211,361, 2018-2022
- SSHRC Partnership Development Grant (Co-Applicant), $198,300, 2014-2017
- SSHRC General Research Grant (Principal Investigator), University of Regina, $5,000, 2014-2016
- SSHRC Cohort Development Grant, University of Regina, $500, 2013
- University of Regina Faculty, Start-Up Research Grant, 2012-2014
- McMaster University Graduate and Research Scholarship, 2009-2012
- University of Toronto Fellowship, 2007-2009
- Gold Achievement Award, Ministry of Finance, Government of Alberta, 2006-2007
Select Publications
Kryvoruchko, Iryna and Ken Rasmussen. 2014. "How Foundations Spend: Is 3.5% Asset Disbursement Rate a Good Public Policy on Giving?" In How Ottawa Spends 2013-2014, edited by G. Bruce Doern and Christopher Stoney. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press.
Refereed Journal Publications
- Khovrenkov, Iryna. forthcoming. “Canadian United Way as a Community Impact Funder: a Reinvention or a Failed Endeavor?” In The New Intersections: Canada’s Voluntary and Nonprofit Sector, edited by Susan Philips and Bob Wyatt.
- Khovrenkov, Iryna. 2019. “Does Foundation Giving Stimulate or Suppress Private Giving? Evidence from a Panel of Canadian Charities.” Public Finance Review, 47(2): 382-408 (first published September 22, 2017 (https://doi.org/10.1177/1091142117730634))
- Khovrenkov, Iryna and Lynn Gidluck. 2017. “Uncovering Research Potential of Administrative Data on Charitable Foundations in Canada.” Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, 8(2): 24-39
- Khovrenkov, Iryna. 2016. "Size-Based Analysis of Charitable Foundations: New Evidence from Canadian Data." Canadian Public Policy 42(3): 337-349.
- Kryvoruchko, Iryna. 2015. "Russia's Flat Tax Reform: Redefining its Effects on Employment." Post-Communist Economies 27(2): 188-204.
- Kryvoruchko, Iryna and Ken Rasmussen. 2014. "How Foundations Spend: Is 3.5% Asset Disbursement Rate a Good Public Policy on Giving?" In How Ottawa Spends 2013-2014, edited by G. Bruce Doern and Christopher Stoney. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press.
- Kryvoruchko, I. (2006). “Three Equalization Alternatives”, Bulletin de Documentation, No.3, pp. 89-119.
- Boothe, P., and I. Kryvoruchko, (2004). “Do Federal Transfers Stabilize Regional Government Revenues? Evidence from Australia and Canada”, Journal of Public Finance and Management, 4(4): 480-495.
Non-Refereed Publications
- Khovrenkov, Iryna and Cindy Kobayashi. 2018. “Myths and Reality of Social Impact Bonds: Assessing their Movement in Canada” Policy Brief, Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy (January, 2018).
- Khovrenkov, Iryna and Sylvain Lefèvre. 2017. "Regards Croisés sur la Classification des Fondations: entre Catégories Formelles et Constructions Théoriques." In Les Foundations Philanthropiques: de Nouveaux Acteurs Politiques?, edited by Jean-Marc Fontan, Peter Elson and Sylvain Lefèvre. Montreal: Presses de l'Université du Québec.
- Kryvoruchko, Iryna. 2013."Charitable Foundations in Western Canada," Western Policy Analyst 5(1): 3-4, Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy.
Academic Conference Presentations
- Khovrenkov, I. “The Hard Core: Testing the Effects of Long-Term Operational Funding on Nonprofits” Paper to be presented at the upcoming Association for Research on Non-Profit and Voluntary Action Conference in San-Diego, United States. November, 2019.
- Khovrenkov, I. “The Foundation Payout Debate: Disbursements in the Canadian Context.” Paper presented at the Association for Research on Non-Profit and Voluntary Action Conference in Washington, DC. November, 2016.
- Khovrenkov, I. “Uncovering Research Potential of Administrative Data on Charitable Foundations in Canada.” Paper presented at the International Society for Third-Sector Research in Stockholm, Sweden. June, 2016.
- Khovrenkov, I. “Philanthropic Action of Canadian’s Grantmaking Foundations.” Panel presentation at the Association of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research Conference in Calgary, AB. June, 2016.
- Khovrenkov, I. "Size-Based Operation of Canadian Foundations: New Evidence from Canadian Data" Association for Research on Non-Profit and Voluntary Action: November 2015
- Kryvoruchko, I. "The Role of Government Policy in Shaping Canadian Foundations". Canadian Economic Association Meetings; Association for Non-profit and Social Economy Research: June 2013.
- Kryvoruchko, I. "Does Foundations Giving Stimulate or Suppress Private Giving? Evidence from a Panel of Canadian Charities". Canadian Public Economics Group; Association for Research on Non-Profit and Voluntary Action: November 2012.
Invited Presentations
- Kryvoruchko, I. “Building Stronger Community-University Partnership.” Presentation to the Saskatchewan Funders Network and Community Initiatives Fund; October 23, 2018.
- Kryvoruchko, I. “Granters and Seekers: Their Changing Landscape in Regina.” Presentation to the United Way Regina; June 13, 2017.
- Kryvoruchko, I. “Building Partnerships with Grantmaking Foundations in Canada.” Presentation to the Saskatchewan Funders Network and Community Initiatives Fund; May 9, 2017
- Kryvoruchko, I. “The Untapped Potential of Available Data for Canadian Foundations.” Paper presented at the Research Laboratory on Canadian Philanthropy in Montreal, QC. June, 2015.